The Cognition and Development Lab partners with schools throughout Connecticut to bring our research to students. Our studies allow students to learn about the scientific process while participating in it!
When a school partners with us:
- We provide permission slips with a study description so each parent can decide whether to let their child participate
- We work with each participating child for 10-15 minutes, and in some cases we are able to work with children in groups so as to minimize our impact on class schedules
- We provide information about the general results of the study to school officials, and requests for information from schools and parents receive our full and immediate attention
- We do NOT provide information about any individual’s performance to anyone (i.e., all results are confidential and are combined with results from many children to understand how children think in general)
- We do NOT perform “cognitive testing,” “IQ” research, or use other normative measures (instead, our studies typically involve short videos, stories, or pictures, and children are asked to make a decision about what they have seen or heard).
For an example of the materials from a current study, please click here and here.
For an example of the school agreement form, please click here.
For more information or to partner with us, please e-mail us at or call us at (203) 432-7839.